Truth. It's basically one of the most beautiful yet disgusting things I can think of. I hope that I always want to know the truth, regardless of how much it hurts or how awful it may seem. Without truth life might as well be a long acid trip that roller-coasters through ecstasy and misery. Have you ever assumed something about a situation and when you found out the truth it wasn't even half as bad... aren't you glad you know the truth? Even when the truth comes out to be twice as bad as what you assume, your perception of the people involved, and life, itself becomes that much more whole, rather than that much more based on fantasy. See we're all feeble minded; others have insight into what is unknown to us. If we let ourselves base reality only on what we
think rather than on what the truth is then we become prisoners of our own minds. When what reality is based on someone else's deception we are prisoners of their lies. See we all have different insight into truth, and it's our responsibility to find a way to discern what of other peoples beliefs are based on truth or based on them. I don't believe we should try come up with our own beliefs just to relieve ourselves of cognitive dissonance, but we should strive to form our beliefs to align with the truth. Too many times we believe something is true just because it goes along with what we feel instead of feeling a certain way because something is true.
What is true? I guess it's our responsibility to answer that so that we know what to believe.
No, I'm not on drugs.